New PEMF Therapy (484)587-3777 Birdsboro, PA
effective March, 2020.
We’re committed to A PROFESSIONAL, ENHANCED Cleaning Process.
CLEANING & SANITIZING PROTOCOLS, developed in partnership with experts in health and hospitality. Here’s what we’ve done to clean and sanitize the space prior to your arrival. This process takes between 6-8 hours.
1.We use only approved products. We clean with 95% chemical free, sustainable products from Norwex.
2.We clean everything prior to sanitizing. We wash down walls.
3.We provide extra cleaning supplies, so you can clean as you stay. (But, only if you want to.)
4.All high-touch surfaces have been sanitized, down to the doorknob, per CDC guidelines.
5.All of your bedding & linens are washed in hot water, including the comforters, etc.
6.There are more than 24 hours between guests.
7.There is PPE provided for you.
We sanitize everything so you can just relax, enjoy your stay and watch the swans swim by.
swan hotel hotels sanctuaryoftheswan Wellness swansanctuary spa
Sanctuary of the Swan Wellness Hotel
Swan Hotel Rugby Road, Birdsboro, PA